Sunday, 14 October 2012

Never Have I Ever...the Teacher's Version

  This first month and a half of school has been very frustrating, draining and full of opportunities to redefine my capacity for patience and the limits of my immune system. Both need some work. There have been some fantastic experiences too, which I will write about at a later date. It seems more important to get this out now.

Loosely based on the game, “Never Have I Ever,” I felt a need to write a few things down, as much to vent as to look back on in the future…I’m sure I will be adding to it!

Never Did I Ever (Imagine)…Teaching Version:

-       potty training children
-       tossing out a whole day’s lesson planning just to pursue a great conversation with a group
-       chasing children down the hallways and playing unwilling games of ‘hide and seek’…ten times daily
-       locking a child out of my classroom to try to make a point
-       needing a ‘safety word’ to call out to staff to give permission to grab a runaway child
-       the amount of paperwork involved in teaching Kindergarten and Pre-K
-       wiping children’s bottoms
-       the feeling of a child’s hug after they’ve had a traumatic experience
-       and the feeling of loss when a child is taken out of school as a result of unsafe conditions at home
-       re-learning to cut, color and draw, and attempt to print right-handed to demonstrate skills (darn being left-handed!)
-       being bitten
-       being hit and kicked and essentially, beat up by a 4-year old
-       how incredible it is to see when a child finally understands a concept
-       needing time outs for myself
-       the anger and frustration I have for parents who have put their children in unsafe environments from pre-birth
-       the number of conversations involving nose-picking and bodily functions had in complete seriousness
-       the expectations placed on teachers to teach curriculum, manners, social norms, right and wrong, positive motivation, etc.
-       and then that these expectations are not continued at home
-       the responsibility to decipher, diagnose, and put in place plans for students from doctors, lawyers, social workers, behaviour consultants, occupational therapists and speech therapists
-       crying in front of a child to try to make a point
-       crying in the principal’s office
-       moving an entire class out of the classroom and into the hallway to finish reading a story to allow another student to finish a crying/screaming fit
-       having glorious dance parties often
-       being invited to student’s homes for tea parties, princess parties, farming, tv show watching and holiday dinners
-       losing so much sleep through worrying about students, lesson planning and creating ‘what-if’ situations
-       getting to know children, their families, history and health backgrounds in such depth
-       convincing children that teachers have their own playground in the staff-room

-the amount of love and care that you develop for each child in a short period of time

Thanks for reading!